Callie Cullum Design

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3 Signs You Are Ready For a Rebrand

Rebranding is an essential part of growing your business. Maybe you DIY-ed your brand, and now you have the budget to invest in a professional designer. Or maybe you purchased a premade branding kit on Etsy and feel you have outgrown it. Whatever stage you are at in your branding, you will ultimately be faced with making the decision to rebrand.

How do you know when it is the right time, though? Rebranding too often can hurt your business by making you appear indecisive and inconsistent. If you are constantly rebranding (think: every 1-2 years) then you will have a tough time creating brand recognition, which is extremely important to the success of your business. I have clients come to me who are tired of their branding personally, yet their business is booming. Just because you are tired of your branding does not mean it’s time to rebrand.

However, the time will come when it is a smart business move to rebrand your business. Below I’ve explained 3 tell-tale signs that you are indeed ready to take your brand from drab to fab.

1. You are no longer attracting your ideal customer.

When you were just starting out, you most likely took any client you could get. We are all either there, or have been there before. As the years go by, you begin narrow in your focus to a specific type of clientele (your niche). You’ll want your branding to reflect that change. Maybe you are a business coach who originally coached all different types of people, but now you are only targeting individuals in the healthcare industry. If your current branding is not targeted towards your niche, or ideal client,  then that’s a clear sign that you may be ready for a brand update.


2. You are constantly plagued by imposter syndrome and no longer feel like you are putting your best self out there to the world.

Agh, imposter syndrome. It gets us all at one point in time or another. For those not familiar, imposter syndrome is the feeling that you are a fraud, or that you aren’t good enough to be doing what you are doing. It makes you afraid to create new content, and holds you back from becoming an expert in your field. If you are feeling like this, it may be time to rebrand and start to feel confident in your work. In order to do your best work, you need to be your best self and be proud of what you are putting out into the world. A rebrand can help put a new, shiny face in your business, giving you that boost of confidence you need. You are worth it, I promise!


3. You are constantly explaining your worth.

Are you finding yourself in a position where you are having to explain to potential customers why your prices are what they are? Are your customers confused and think you are priced too high? This could be because your branding isn’t reflecting your worth. If you have a premade logo from Etsy, but you are charging premium prices, it can be easy for potential clients to see a disconnect and be turned off. Your branding is the first part of your business that a customer interacts with, so make sure it is top notch and shows your worth so that you aren’t stuck explaining yourself to your potential clients.

Don’t forget that it’s not about whether or not you are in love with your branding (my hope is that you always are!), but rather that your ideal customer sees your branding and thinks, “wow, I want to know more about this company”. Keeping them engaged is your #1 priority.

There you have it! There are many other reasons you may need to rebrand in addition to these 3 I’ve mentioned above. If you are feeling unsure about if it’s time for a rebrand, let me know! I can help assess your branding and tell you if it’s time to update or if you are okay where you are for the time being. My sincere hope for you is that you have a successful brand that you are proud of!